The Psycho Path To Success

The Psycho Path To Success


As a follow up to my post “Always A Lesson” I’d like to add this article that spoke to me in terms of one of my lateset jobs

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. Can’t people who lie, cheat, and steal on a regular basis as their work, call themselves entrepeneurs?

Always a Lesson

I’m not really sure where I’m at in my career, all I know is that I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to work for some of the best and some worst people this industry has to offer! Why would I say that working for some of the “worst” people out there is a fortunate thing? Here’s why, when I first started out in television I was working on a couple of series for HGTV. My first boss was Don Roberts, who was patient, kind, and full of knowledge

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. I tried to soak up everything I could from him, and then he got sick, and soon passed away. His successor was far less kind, far less patient, and believed in motivation by intimidation, but he taught me one lesson that was extremely valuable – how to take responsibility when you make mistakes! This lesson is lost on manythese days, but that’s a whole other blog.

The point is, if you’re mind is open, you work hard, and you’re intentions are good, there are lessons to be learned in every situation. I believe strongly that’s why I am the way I am today. I’ve always tried to learn from those who were more talented then me, and remember to never treat people the way I was treated in the past from the few dishonest thieves and cranks I’ve come across.

In the end, there is something to be learned from everyone you work with and for, the key is knowing what to take, and what to leave behind!


Sometimes, Bad is Good!

Sometimes, Bad is Good!


Have you ever seen a really bad commercial on TV and just shake your head in disbelief? It’s like a train wreck, you can’t look away. You loath the production value, the semi annoying person on camera, although sometimes pretty funny, and you may have no interest in the product

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. Next thing you know you’re telling people about that annoying commercial – “did you see that commercial this morning about ‘product x’, I can’t believe how bad that spot is”! All I have to say is, EXACTLY!

You see, good creative doesn’t always mean big money and big production values, it just has to be memoriable, and lets face it, most of the time it is! I’ve had several opportunities to create something memorable with little to know money, it all comes down to the creative, plain and simple!


Don’t believe me, here is a classic example of what I’m talking about